Info for Parents/Guardians
This is a educational program. It is not a sports camp. It is a highly structured instructional program in local and state government. We operate under a strict set of rules which must be accepted by each candidate. Parents of delegates need to understand how the program operates and what type of students will be attending. Although it is not a “boot camp”, we do utilize moving about the campus in a military-like manner in order to maintain order and discipline.
We also conduct roll call to make sure everyone is accounted for at all times. Many traditions are found at Boys State. The American Legion creed “For God and Country” is taken very seriously. Each session is opened and closed with prayer. The pledge to the flag of our country and other flag ceremonies are conducted. We respect all religious beliefs. No one is forced to participate in any religious or patriotic ceremony.
The American Legion Boys State program does not receive Federal, State or other public funds. All monies are raised through the local Posts. Counselors and staff are volunteers.
Below you will find more details on the week of Palmetto Boys State and how you can be involved!
Parent Orientation
A Parent Orientation session is scheduled concurrently with registration on opening day. The orientation will last about 20 minutes and is held in a repeated and continuous schedule so that you may participate regardless of the time you arrive that day. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the activities planned for the week, learn about the Friends of Boys State Foundation (FOBS) and ask any questions. You are encouraged to join this session after dropping off your son in the dorm area.
Friday Parade
Parents are encouraged to attend the parade in Columbia on Friday morning. The Palmetto Boys State program will join with the Palmetto Girls State program for a procession down Main Street culminating in a presentation on the steps of the State House. The state constitutional officers for each program will be recognized along with an address from one of the elected leaders of our state.
Parents are invited to attend the graduation ceremony on Saturday morning. While the facilities do not accommodate parents and guests in the auditorium, there will be a special setup in the Student Center for viewing. As this event normally attracts large crowds, you are encouraged to arrive early for preferential seating.
Parents are invited to attend the graduation ceremony on Saturday morning. While the facilities do not accommodate parents and guests in the auditorium, there will be a special setup in the Student Center for viewing. As this event normally attracts large crowds, you are encouraged to arrive early for preferential seating.
Citizen Guide
The Citizens Guide provides an overview for all of the activities in which your son will participate during the week and time schedules for events such as the Friday Parade and Graduation.
The guide can be accessed under the main menu under ‘Main Menu’ -> ‘Delegates’ -> ‘What To Expect’ -> ‘Program Schedule.’