The American Legion’s Boys State program is a unique way for young men to learn about the American system of government by taking part in a mock governmental system.
It is a great honor to be chosen as a delegate to Palmetto Boys State. Many of our state’s political and business leaders were once Boys Staters. More than 900 boys are recommended each year by their teachers and counselors to attend Boys State.
While at Boys State, delegates will learn about state, city, and local government. They will also learn how the political process works in our state. Boys Staters will also learn how partisan politics operate. Delegates will have an opportunity to compose a party platform, prepare speeches, and run for every elected office in the state. These offices range from mayor of one’s city all the way to governor of the state.
During Boys State, you’ll learn why we say: Let one week begin your life.™
While at Boys State, delegates will learn about state, city, and local government. They will also learn how the political process works in our state. Boys Staters will also learn how partisan politics operate. Delegates will have an opportunity to compose a party platform, prepare speeches, and run for every elected office in the state. These offices range from mayor of one’s city all the way to governor of the state.
During Boys State, you’ll learn why we say: Let one week begin your life.™